Meningitis patofisiologi, diagnosis, penatalaksanaan. We go deep into the body of an infected person and see. Definisi meningitis adalah peradangan pada membran meninges disekitar otak dan tulang belakang, biasanya infeksi penyakit ini menyebar. Some of the infected steroid goes up the spinal canal to the brain and causes meningitis, but some of it stays right there at the. Close contacts of someone with viral meningitis can become infected with the virus that made that person sick. Patofisiologi meningitis meningitis pada umumnya sebagai akibat dari penyebaran penyakit di organ atau jaringan tubuh yang lain.
Another patient with sickle cell disease, aplastic crisis, and meningitis died after refusing a red blood cell transfusion. Only a small number of people who get infected with the viruses that cause meningitis will actually develop viral meningitis. Masingmasing jenis virus memiliki pola penyebaran dan penularan yang berbedabeda. Most cases of viral meningitis are caused by enteroviruses common stomach viruses. Unlike viral meningitis, meningoencephalitis caused by west nile virus is characterized by severe muscle weakness, a diffuse flaccid paralysis, and diminished reflexes. Several different viruses and bacteria can cause meningitis, including. Meningitis wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Almost all people infected with viral meningitis recover completely within 5 to 10 days. Viral meningitis can occur at any age but is most common in young children. Cryptococcal meningitis is a fungal infection and inflammation of the membranes covering your spinal cord and brain. Acute hepatitis a is more severe and has higher mortality in adults than in children. For instance, west nile virus, mumps, measles, herpes simplex types i and ii, varicella and lymphocytic choriomeningitis lcm virus. Meningitis can be caused by infection from viruses and bacteria germs. Outbreaks usually occur in the summer when tick and flea populations peak.
Banyak kasus meningitis disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, tetapi infeksi. Since the incidence of this sexually transmitted infection continues to rise and because the greatest incidence of herpes simplex. Rotavirus infections cause diarrhea and vomiting that can lead to severe dehydration. Meningitis virus cenderung tidak separah meningitis bakterial. Meningitis disebabkan oleh bakteri, virus atau jamur. Hepatitis is characterized by other pathologies such as jaundice, abdominal and gastric discomfort, hepatomegaly, and dark urine which is a sign of severe acidosis. To determine the causes of viral meningitis, we analyzed 22 cerebrospinal fluid samples collected during the 20142015 dengue epidemics in brazil. Cerebral infarction related to cryptococcal meningitis in an. Meningitis gejala, penyebab dan mengobati alodokter. Most people make a full recovery from meningitis, but it can sometimes cause serious, longterm problems and can be life threatening. Young children who are infected with hav usually remain asymptomatic. Diseases due to pathogens that spread between people, called infectious diseases, are not the only things that can cause meningitis. The transmission of herpes simplex virus hsv infection is dependent upon intimate, personal contact of a susceptible seronegative individual with someone excreting hsv. The exact incidence and prevalence of tuberculous meningitis in hiv infected patients are not known.
Secondary infections plague meningitis outbreak patients. About 2040% of persons infected with the mumps virus do not show symptoms, so being infected and spreading the. Meningitis dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri, virus, jamur, atau parasit. To our knowledge, there are six known cases of cerebral infarction and two cases of tnd related to cryptococcal meningitis in hiv infected patients 9,19,46. Meningococcal meningitis is a serious disease that causes inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. Is it really so harmful that you need a vaccination. Prospects for vaccine prevention of meningococcal infection pdf.
Doctors give unbiased, trusted information on the relationship of meningitis vaccine and meningitis. Is meningitis vaccine live virus answers on healthtap. Uptodate offers a number of subscriptions and addon products, allowing you to have the most uptodate information and improve patient care. Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes dura, pia, and arachnoid maters covering the brain and spinal cord. Some forms of bacterial meningitis and encephalitis are contagious and can be spread through contact with saliva, nasal discharge, feces, or respiratory and throat secretions often spread through kissing, coughing, or sharing drinking glasses, eating utensils, or such personal items as toothbrushes, lipsticks, or cigarettes. Identify conditions that increase the risk of tb infection progressing to tb disease. Meningitis can be caused by different germs, including bacteria, fungi. Rotavirus disease mechanisms diarrhea, vomiting and. The infectious etiologic agents of meningitis include bacteria, viruses. About 90% of viral meningitis cases are due to common stomach viruses called enteroviruses, but other viruses can also cause viral meningitis. Virus bakteri menyebar secara hematogen sampai ke selaput otak, misalnya pada penyakit faringitis, tonsilitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia dan endokarditis. Direct contact with secretions from an infected person. Six patients 75% had homozygous sickle cell disease and experienced stroke within 2 days after aplastic crisis associated with pvb19 infection, without any pain crisis. Stase kepaniteraan departemen ilmu penyakit saraf neurologi universitas kristen.
Pathway hepatitis hepatitis is an inflammatory condition of the liver. Jul 29, 20 secondary infections plague meningitis outbreak patients. Some viruses such as enteroviruses may cause aseptic meningitis that is very clinically similar to mumps. Tuberculous meningitis in patients infected with human. Jan 08, 2020 cryptococcosis is the most common fungal infection of the central nervous system and may present as a spaceoccupying lesion, meningitis, or meningoencephalitis. Viral meningitis is the most common form of meningitis. Gejala umum dari meningitis adalah sakit kepala dan leher kaku disertai oleh demam, kebingungan. Yes and no it depends on which virus you are talking about. Viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis other causes are bacteria and fungi. Mumps is an acute systemic human infection caused by a paramyxovirus. Everybody is talking about measles but what does the virus actually do in the body. Pathophysiology and treatment of bacterial meningitis ncbi. Meningitis is an inflammation of the meninges the tissue that covers the spinal cord and brain. Estimated 1015 million more symptomatic infectionsyr in us who is at risk.
Its causative agent is the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus lcmv, a member of the family arenaviridae that was initially isolated in 1933. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Pdf penyakit meningokokus adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan. Some people have gotten infected from an instrument called a duodenoscope.
Viral meningitis is a central nervous system cns infection characterized. Hsv2 is an alphaherpesvirus in the herpesvirus family of dna viruses, all of which cause chronic, incurable. Herpes simplex virus 2 hsv2 is the leading cause of genital ulcer disease, increases risk of hiv acquisition, and causes neonatal herpes, a rare infection associated with longterm neurologic impairment and high mortality rates. Mumps is a viral disease caused by the mumps virus. Beside bacteria, viruses, fungi and noninfectious causes as in systemic and. Hiv infected patients have a high incidence of tuberculous meningitis as well. Bacterial meningitis is rare, but can be very serious if not treated. As discussed below, many viruses are capable of causing meningitis.
Toscana virus was identified in central italy in 1971. Mumps virus is highly transmissible and, in unimmunized populations, causes epidemics of mumps among schoolaged children. White ii, rs, mph regional epidemiologist 1062014 2 clinical description meningitis is a disease caused by the inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord known as the meninges. So if youre expecting or thinking about becoming pregnant, make sure you. There are few reports on cryptococcal meningitis in non. In many cases, the specific virus that caused the meningitis is not identified. Jun 12, 2017 the incubation period of hepatitis a virus hav is 1545 days average, 4 weeks. In some cases it can resemble guillainbarre syndrome. Apr 18, 2014 in addition to symptom management, antiviral agents may be used to treat hsv2 meningitis. Chorioamnionitis is a bacterial infection that occurs before or during labor.
Pembengkakan yang terkait dengan meningitis sering memicu tanda dan gejala dari kondisi ini, antara lain sakit kepala, demam dan leher kaku pada siapapun yang berusia 2 tahun ke atas. Infection with the west nile virus is usually asymptomatic or manifests. Pathogenesis and disease human herpesviruses ncbi bookshelf. Viral meningitis is a virusborne inflammation of the meninges, which are the. Virus must come in contact with mucosal surfaces or abraded skin for infection to be initiated. These germs usually cause everyday illness, such as an ear infection or pneumonia. Angka mortalitas meningitis di dunia masih mencapai 815% meskipun sudah terdiagnosis dan dilakukan tatalaksana. Infeksi virus, seperti meningitis akibat virus, biasanya akan sembuh dengan sendirinya setelah beberapa saat. You can prevent it by getting the meningococcal vaccine. Viral meningitis caused by enterovirus species frequently asked questions 1. Meningitis can be caused by different germs, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. St louis encephalitis virus has occurred in canada. This page describes some of thing things that can cause meningitis that do not spread from one person to another noninfectious. Current concepts for genital herpes simplex virus infection.
So if youre expecting or thinking about becoming pregnant, make sure you know the causes and risk factors, as well. However, these close contacts are not likely to develop meningitis. Hiv infection does not significantly alter the clinical manifestations, laboratory, radiographic. With viral replication at the site of primary infection, either an intact virion or, more simply, the capsid is transported. Radang dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi oleh virus, bakteri, atau juga.
Meningitis and encephalitis caused by mumps virus oncohema key. Infection during pregnancy has been associated with fetal congenital. Sep 17, 2010 tuberculosis is the most common opportunistic infection in human immunodeficiency virus hiv infected persons. In the preaids era, patients with cryptococcal meningitis occasionally presented stroke 44. Kondisikondisi tertentu, seperti melemahnya sistem imun tubuh. Apr 03, 2020 what is meningitis, how do you get infected and how can you prevent it. Hepa is latin for liver and the english suffix itis means inflammation. Meningitis is an infection of the protective membranes that surround the. Its typically mild and goes away without treatment. Herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus may respond to treatment with antiviral drugs such as aciclovir, but there are no clinical trials that have specifically addressed whether this treatment is effective. Neurologic manifestations associated with parvovirus b19.
U sual causes of meningitis in seropositive human immunodeficiency virus hiv infected patients often include opportunistic infections. Enteroviruses, varicella zoster virus and herpes simplex viruses are the most frequent agents. Meningitis pada umumnya sebagai akibat dari penyebaran penyakit di organatau jaringan tubuh yang lain. Meningitis associated with simultaneous infection by multiple. The first time infection of the mother may lead to severe illness in pregnancy and may be associated with virus transmission from mother to foetusnewborn. However, other viruses can also cause viral meningitis. In many cases, patients with meningitis have abnormalities on a chest. Can people with viral meningitis pass the illness to others. Jan 05, 2008 viral meningitis is a notifiable disease in england and wales, but many cases undoubtedly go unreported. Its used to find problems with the liver and bile ducts, near your intestines, and its hard to clean. Virus herpes simpleks dan virus varisela zoster bisa memberikan respon terhadap pengobatan dengan obat antivirus seperti asiklovir, tetapi belum ada uji klinis khusus yang meneliti apakah pengobatan ini efektif.
Jul 31, 2018 chorioamnionitis is a bacterial infection that occurs before or during labor. Viral meningitis tends to run a more benign course than bacterial meningitis. Immunology and vaccinepreventable diseases pink book mumps. What is meningitis, how do you get infected and how can you. We identified 3 serotypes of dengue virus denv1, 2, and 3, as well as coinfection with 2 or 3 serotypes. A few of these viruses cause meningitis or encephalitis in humans, but rarely. In addition, cryptococcosis is the most common fungal disease in hiv infected persons, and it is the aidsdefining illness for 6070% of hiv infected patients. The best strategy for avoiding viral meningitis is to prevent viral infection by undergoing vaccination and practicing good hygiene. Hiv, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a type of virus that infects human immune cells. Viral meningitis is the most common and least serious type. Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and management of.
Herpes simplex virus hsv infection is one of the most common viral sexually transmitted diseases worldwide. The virus is excreted in stool during the first few weeks of infection, before the onset of symptoms. Over time, immune cells are lost, which weakens the. The way people get viral meningitis depends on the kind of virus causing the infection. Radang ii free download as powerpoint presentation. Meningitis is an infection and inflammation of the meninges, which are the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Pada kasus meningitis yang tidak ditatalaksana, angka kematian dapat meningkat sampai 5080%. Reply georgia tech student hospitalized and being treated for symptoms of bacterial meningitis the global dispatch says. Meningitis is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. This is why its so important to get medical help as soon as possible if you think you or your child has symptoms of meningitis, and why meningitis vaccinations are offered to certain groups. Poliovirus enters the blood stream via the lymphatics.
In the largest reported study, a 1966 birth cohort of 12 000 children in finland, the annual incidence of presumed viral meningitis was 219 per 100 000 in infants under 1 year and 27. Transmission and pathogenesis of tuberculosiscdcpdf. Meningitis caused by other viruses such as measles, herpes and west nile is rare, but can be serious. Most cases of viral meningitis are spread by germs contained in the stool or, less often, in tiny drops of fluid from the throat of someone who is infected. Two types of fungus can cause cryptococcal meningitis cm.
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